55 AED- Yellow fruits
- Lemon
- Brown Sugar
Engenho Farm is located in the city of Carmo de Minas, in a micro-region in the south of the state of Minas Gerais. This micro-region is known worldwide for its favorable natural conditions such as the mountain's relief, the temperate climate, and the excellent rate of rainfall well distributed throughout the year for the production of very high-quality coffees. The region called Mantiqueira de Minas received the Destination of Origin in 2020, an important title that increasingly promotes socioeconomic development.
When Fazenda de Engenho was acquired, the coffee fields were so well maintained that the farm was paid for with the first harvest. Helena Regina, José Ronaldo, and Regina Lucia have dedicated themselves to the coffee culture. Years ago their father together with Mr. José Dias Pereira, known as Zé Barão, helped in the Cooperativa Regional dos Cafeicultores do Vale do Rio Verde, today known as Cocarive, to sell their production through the Cooperative.